This item is no longer available
We're sorry, we've done all we can to source this item, but we can no longer supply this item.
This means:
- The manufacturer no longer sells the part
- We can no longer get it from any of our suppliers
- There are no substitute parts available
- We don't know of any other source for the part
COVID-19 Notice:
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We're open and shipping on schedule!
USD $0.00
Special order
Ships in 5 to 20 business days
Part: 195-7011-0
Category: Bags
Secure site
USA Business
Special Order:
This item is a special order from the manufacturer. Your order will typically ship in 5 to 20 business days.
Part Description:
10 x 12 x 0004 mil poly bag.
Tip:Arm yourself with a cooking spatula whenever you venture out to the BBQ. The smell will attract a lot of attention.